
Find Out What Disease Is A Sign Of A Sick Chicken? Dry Legs Are A Sign Of What Disease

Chickens have bloating and dry feet What disease is a sign of disease is a question that many cockers are looking for. Is the cause and treatment of dry feet in fighting chickens simple? Brothers together New 88 Find detailed information in the article below.

Causes and symptoms of chicken bloating and dry feet

The phenomenon of chickens having bloating and dry feet appears a lot. Many chicken breeders are learning the causes and symptoms of this disease in stages. Below is detailed information for your reference.

Newly hatched chicken stage

Chickens have dry feet from the moment they hatch, possibly because the brooding density in your coop is too uniform. Incubation temperatures that are too high will cause dehydration in chickens, or when you do not provide enough drinking water for the chicks. An unclean environment leads to chicks being susceptible to diarrhea, leading to dehydration and the phenomenon of chickens having bloating and dry feet. In many cases like this, the chicks are stillborn.

The chicken stage reaches a weight of about 1kg

The cause of dry chicken feet at this stage is mainly due to the insufficient amount of water provided to them. Improper nutrition such as eating a lot of muscle, fungus, overeating, etc. also cause dry chicken feet. In addition, chickens suffering from other diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, etc. also have bloated, dry feet.

Some symptoms of chicken bloating and dry feet that you can observe are: lethargy, loss of appetite, green or white stools, ruffled feathers and standing in groups, etc. This leads to mass deaths of chickens. due to bloating and dry feet. Each disease will have a different treatment for dry feet in chickens. Let’s find out:

Typhoid causes dry chicken feet

Cocks with dry feet due to typhoid often have additional symptoms of this disease. In this case, if cockers detect and treat promptly with antibiotics Colistin, Enrofloxacin, Flophenicol,… it can be saved.

At this time, you need to provide more resistance-boosting drugs for chickens so they can quickly regain strength and become stronger. This disease is very contagious, you need to monitor closely to avoid an outbreak.

Pasteurellosis in chickens causes dry feet and dehydration

When chickens have bloating, dry feet, green and white stools, high body temperature, and loss of appetite, you should immediately think about this disease. You need to quickly detect and treat them with antibiotics to save them from the disease.

How to prevent chickens from getting stuffy and having dry feet?

In any stage or disease, prevention is the most effective treatment. Below are some measures to prevent dry feet in chickens for your reference:

  • Always keep the cage clean and cool.
  • Feeding and drinking troughs must be clean, full of nutrients and not lacking in water.
  • Vaccinate chickens at the right time and periodically spray disinfection on the chicken farm.
  • Use the correct dosage of antibiotics to treat dry feet.
  • Create a space for chickens to stay comfortably to avoid spreading viruses.

Treat chickens with bloated, dry feet quickly at home

Below are some effective and simple treatments for dry feet in chickens at home.
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Treatment with antibiotics for chickens

Antibiotics that effectively treat intestinal diseases in chickens include: Mekozym, Mekosal. You mix it with water and give it to the chickens to drink directly. The method is most effective for chicks.

Garlic is also a very safe and effective medicine to treat bloating in chickens. You can crush garlic and mix it with food. This method, in addition to helping the chicken’s digestive system function well, also helps them avoid minor diseases such as colds.

Treatment by manual method

When chicken breeders who specialize in raising fighting chickens encounter the phenomenon of chickens suffering from bloated, dry legs, they often treat it using manual methods. The following is very effective for cockfighters to refer to.

  • Filling with water: In this method, you use a syringe filled with water and put it directly into the chicken’s mouth from the tongue to the throat. Please be careful to avoid letting water flow into the breathing hole. If you are new to raising fighting cocks, you can ask experienced people for support.
  • Kite massage for fighting cocks: After adding water to the kite, you proceed to massage their kite. This is to stimulate the chicken’s digestive system to work better. You should put them on their backs to make it easier to do, to avoid food from getting into the kite. In case the chickens show signs of breathing rapidly, you should turn them over to stabilize them before continuing to massage.

Above is all the information New88 shared about the phenomenon of chickens having bloating and dry legs for cockfighters to refer to. Hopefully the above useful information will help you gain more experience in treating the diseasegamechicken at home. Wishing you success in applying and having healthy fighting chickens.

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